The Harlow

Project Specs:

Unit Count: 131 Units

Lot Area: 39,103 SF

Density: 146 Dwelling Units per Acre

Floor Area: 146,110 SF

Team:  Frymer Construction, MBM Structural Engineers, Donald F. Dickerson & Associates, TGP Landscape Architecture, Fuscoe Engineering, TDA Consultants

We Design Value: While working for, and later as a consultant to the architect of record, KFA, Khal Khaireddin Architects worked on the construction administration phase of this Type III construction, mixed-use project, which includes 5 stories of residential units over 12,000sf of commercial restaurant space and parking at the ground floor.  Through the construction process, various elements of the project were revised, and we resolved, coordinated, and documented the issues that arose.  Revisions through construction are an inherent part of development, and we were able to efficiently assist, meeting the immediate timelines through construction, and always considering the cost and impact of the revisions in the field.


We Value Design: Through the construction of the project, the client requested that we explore a revised exterior color and material palette for the project, to reduce the cost of the exterior finishes, and provide a more contemporary scheme to the existing massing.  In doing so, a grayscale color palette was implemented, with splashes of a bright red accent at the upper levels, visible from both the 10 and 405 freeways.  The massing, completed by KFA, creates a dynamic articulation across large exterior facades, with balconies sliding past one another, expressions of a code required building separation wall, and frames breaking down the varied scales of the residential levels.